Skeletons ARE NOT Spooky!

Offered in Paperback, and Kindle

For everything that skeletons do for us, why do they have such a bad reputation for being spooky? Maybe they are just like us and want to have some fun. Start off the day with a healthy breakfast of earthworm smoothies. Head to the park to play with good friends like Dracula and the Easter Bunny. Then get cleaned-up before bedtime in a nice warm bath … with a werewolf. You know, normal stuff.

The creative children’s book duo, Kaine & Duds, tries to set the record straight about skeletons in this entertaining tale for every … body (see what we did there?!). With adorable illustrations, an obligatory pirate scene, and even a big word or 2 (like phalanges), it’s about time we see just how absolutely UNspooky skeletons can be.

“No bones about it, this book is perfect for Halloween AND anytime! A fun read to get kids thinking about their own skeletons – which are definitely NOT spooky. My preschool class enjoyed the illustrations and they all think it is pretty cool that they each have a skeleton too!”

– DR, Amazon Customer

“I gave this as a gift to several of my friends’ little ones. All of the parents said they loved this book and were asked to read it over and over again! The parents enjoyed the humor and asked me where they can buy more for gifts. Really cute Halloween, or anytime, book!”

– Jen Junda

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